I Married You

I Married You
A Blog of Catherine and Richard

Tigger and Wedding Fair and Church

Wednesday, February 18th 2004 @ 4:34 pm by Catherine

Well I’ve bearly stopped since Richard left yesterday. I’ve been busy getting my financial support for uni sorted out.

Richard didn’t mention that on Valentine’s day he gave me a lovely tigger, so that when I miss him and need a hug I can get one with tigger. For those of you that don’t know I addore tigger.

We also went to our first wedding fair, it was quite a small show but it was very useful for ideas on cakes and hair slides.

We recived an email from the Baptist church in Crawley today saying that we can use there church, so we now have a venue for the wedding and all we have to do is look for somewhere to have the recption.

I’m hoping to go shopping with my mum on Saturday to have a look at different ideas for flowers and also for things for the reception. It feels as if it is all starting to pull together now and not be quite so manic.

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