I Married You

I Married You
A Blog of Catherine and Richard

On the Move and Site Revamp

Saturday, October 28th 2006 @ 10:06 am by Catherine

I guess I really should have updated this blog much sooner, sadly it’s been over a year since the last post. I hope that it will be not so long until I post again but only time will tell.

I’ve been quite unwell since last autum which has left me very tired and able to do very little, now I’m coping a little better I’m finaly gettting back to the things I enjoy.

Richard and I will hopefully be moving before Christmas if not soon after to a house in Peacehaven which is to the east of Brighton on the coast. It’s going to be strange not living in the centre of Brighton but it will be nice to have a little more space.

Once we move we are planing to revamp the site, but as yet we haven’t decided what exactly we want to do. If there is anybody who still reads our blog, we would love to hear of any ideas you have.


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