I Married You

I Married You
A Blog of Catherine and Richard

Christmas Tree 2007

Sunday, December 16th 2007 @ 6:03 pm by Richard

Well it is that time of the year, where we pull all the dusty boxes out of long forgotten corners of the house and put up the Christmas tree!
Christmas Tree 2007

Doctor’s Orders

Monday, January 8th 2007 @ 12:02 pm by Catherine

Well, I’ve finally got round to bloging again. Christmas went well and I didn’t end up too tired although, I’m definitely getting an air bed next christmas if Richard and I end up staying over night at my grandma’s since the futon mattres is really uncomfortable to sleep on.

My resolution for the new year is to follow my doctor’s orders better and try and get some exercise to help my joints. I’m managing to do a little walking but still have not done any swimming. This is partly due to the local swimming pool being closed for refurbishment, it’s been closed for 14 weeks and is opening again at the begining of Febuary, so it shows how much I’ve been trying to go swimming. So just to get a new costume and I’ll be set to start again.

It seems we still don’t have anybody reading our site so I’ll just have to email some people to let them know we are up and running again.

Happy New Year

Monday, January 1st 2007 @ 12:00 am by Richard

Happy New Year to anyone still reading 🙂

One of my resoloutions for this year is to blog more: here, on richard-slater.co.uk and on GuildCafe.

Google gone christmasy

Friday, December 22nd 2006 @ 10:37 am by Catherine

Well its that time of year when we see the christmas logos from google again have a look so far they look quite nice and they should be putting a new ones up over the season.

Google Doodle

As for christmas, Richard and I are going to my grandma’s over chrismas day and boxing day and then we will be spending the next weekend with Richard’s family. So it all works out well for no fighting as to when we will be going where which is always good.

I’ve still got a couple of presents to buy dispite starting the christmas shopping in november and ordering a lot of stuff online, call me mad but I’m going ito brighton tomorrow morning to get the last bits, fortunately we don’t need to go into Churchill Square for any of it as it is always mad in there.

We have just recived a very unusural present of 2 sheep, they will be going to families in Ethiopa. This has been done through The Alternative Gift Catalogue one of a number of charities doing similar things to make a difference for families in the developing world.

I’d better be going now since I’ve still got lots of wrapping to do.

Happy New Year

Saturday, January 1st 2005 @ 12:24 pm by Richard

A happy new year to one and all, we hope your dreams and wishes come true in the the comming months.

24 Hours of Marriage

Sunday, September 5th 2004 @ 4:26 pm by Richard

Well Catherine and I have now been married for over 24 Hours, the day went so well, it is almost unbelievable that it wasn’t actually a dream. The biggest disaster of the day was Susan (Catherine’s Mum) throwing chocolate down her dress.

We got a chance to go and visit Catherine’s Grandfather in Hospital, as he was unable to see the wedding, so in we walked into the hospital me in full suit, waistcoat, tie and buttonhole and Catherine in her dress, veil with her boquet. It made for some very happy paitents, not least Catherine’s Grandfather.

We have opened most of the presents now, more still to come from the Gift Registry in a couple of weeks. 07:45 tomorrow we will be heading off to the train station to travel down to Cornwall, via Bath!, for our honeymoon.

Many thanks to everyone who made it a great day for us. God Bless

Strange happenings on Richards Blog

Wednesday, February 25th 2004 @ 4:00 am by Richard

Some of our readers may not realise that I have my own blog, that is very heavly oriented to random stuff that I find on the internet and general stuff about university work and so on over at – [ http://www.richard-slater.co.uk/ ], recently some strange happenings have been going on mainly to do with a certain blog entry about a game involving a whale, a yeti and 10 penguines, and according to the minds and fingers of a certain parent is animal cruelty. Just thought I would pop in and say this.

In wedding news, we have arranged a photographer his name is Brian and he is my parents next door neighbour, he has his own website – [ http://www.imagesofjazz.co.uk/ ] – he is quite good and he is doing some very fair rates, on the subject of websites and photographs my parents recently went to Norway for a cruise, my dad took his new digital camera the results can be found on his website – [ http://www.daveslater.co.uk/ ] the scenery looks loverly, maybe Catherine and I will get to go on a cruse some time in the future.

… and on the subject of holidays we are planning to find a nice cottage in either Cornwall or the Lake District to spend our honeymoon, so if anyone knows of any really good places for the two of us to spend some quality time together please drop us a line on the forums. We are developing the site more and more, you cant see any of it at the moment because it is not finished, but as and when it is ready to be released it will slowly appear on the site, if you would like to see something in particular then please post a comment or sign up to our forums and let us know what you want to see.