I Married You

I Married You
A Blog of Catherine and Richard

What am I doing?

Friday, November 24th 2006 @ 2:42 pm by Richard

At the moment I am quite clearly blogging, however in the wider scheme of things I have been fairly busy. My attempts to take over the world of EVE have so far failed, I am however fairly satisfied with my progress, I have a nice little operation going buying and selling virtual materials, ships, modules and ammunition. Outside of the Virtual world I have been contributing to the EVE Online Wikipedia article and EVEMon (A EVE Skill planner).

On the topic of Virtual stuff, I am quite enjoying reading both Richard Bartle’s “Designing Virtual Worlds” and Edward Castronova’s “Synthetic Worlds: The business and culture of online games” as well as reading blog entries by all sorts of MMOG experts (Including Bartle and Castronova) on Terra Nova.

House hunting has all but ground to a halt, there is so little on the market at the moment that we are going to wait for the new year before searching maniacally. The current flat is serving us for the moment, so neither of us are unhappy with where we are living, which is good.