I Married You

I Married You
A Blog of Catherine and Richard

What am I doing?

Friday, November 24th 2006 @ 2:42 pm by Richard

At the moment I am quite clearly blogging, however in the wider scheme of things I have been fairly busy. My attempts to take over the world of EVE have so far failed, I am however fairly satisfied with my progress, I have a nice little operation going buying and selling virtual materials, ships, modules and ammunition. Outside of the Virtual world I have been contributing to the EVE Online Wikipedia article and EVEMon (A EVE Skill planner).

On the topic of Virtual stuff, I am quite enjoying reading both Richard Bartle’s “Designing Virtual Worlds” and Edward Castronova’s “Synthetic Worlds: The business and culture of online games” as well as reading blog entries by all sorts of MMOG experts (Including Bartle and Castronova) on Terra Nova.

House hunting has all but ground to a halt, there is so little on the market at the moment that we are going to wait for the new year before searching maniacally. The current flat is serving us for the moment, so neither of us are unhappy with where we are living, which is good.

Gift Lists, Invites and Utter madness

Friday, July 23rd 2004 @ 3:45 pm by Catherine

Well prompted by Pete (our best man) I am writing for all you addoring fans out there.

Things the last few months have been utterly crazy. Richard has been doing exams and then three days later started his job as ICT support assistant. Not long after that Richard moved into the lovely flat that we will be living in together come september.

With all of that we have hardly stopped. I’ve now got my shoes for the wedding so my outfit is sorted out, but I still have to decide on my hair and make up. Richard has his suit but still needs to sort out the rest of his outfit.

We have finially got most of the invites out for the wedding after a number of different problems with printing, directions for the church, addresses and actually getting the time to put them altoghther.

I want to also apoligise for the lack of gifts on our gift list, this is due to the shear volume of lists that the company are having to deal with and should be sorted out over the next few days.

We hope to keep writing the blog as much as possible but with so many different things happening and myself comuting regulary between my parents house in london and brighton to see richard I’m not sure how often that will be. I might recruit the our best man Pete and our Chief Bride’s Maid Kyla to help us out by doing some blog enteries.

Must go now since Richard is visiting me for the weekend and his room still needs to be sorted out.


Thursday, May 6th 2004 @ 3:04 pm by Catherine

Sorry it’s been a long time since either Richard and I have posted anything on the site, Richard has been very busy doing his coursework and preparing for his exams. I on the other hand have had a lot of problems with my computer which resulted in me doing a complete reinstal only to find out that the hard drive is failling.

Richard is still on his job hut and I am looking at a change of direction in my carear. I want to learn sign language and hopefully get to the level of interpreter. I want to use this with working with deaf children and university students and within the church where deaf people are so often left out.


Wednesday, February 11th 2004 @ 1:21 pm by Catherine

Well my first posting to the blog hopefully one of many to come. I’m really busy right now as I’ve moved back from uni to my parents home now until the summer when Richard and I marry.

I’ve still got to find half of my things as others helped with the paccking. I’m searching for jobs now, only want a part time one and it will probably be in retail as i’m limited to what I can do as I’ve got problems with my hands.

I wish I was back at Sussex uni doing my engineering degree right now it would be easier in so many ways. I really miss some of the courses and the people, many of them will have gone by the time I start back in October.

Ok now I must be off since I need to dig out my room and fill in the dreaded application forms.