Strange happenings on Richards Blog
Wednesday, February 25th 2004 @ 4:00 am by RichardSome of our readers may not realise that I have my own blog, that is very heavly oriented to random stuff that I find on the internet and general stuff about university work and so on over at – [ ], recently some strange happenings have been going on mainly to do with a certain blog entry about a game involving a whale, a yeti and 10 penguines, and according to the minds and fingers of a certain parent is animal cruelty. Just thought I would pop in and say this.
In wedding news, we have arranged a photographer his name is Brian and he is my parents next door neighbour, he has his own website – [ ] – he is quite good and he is doing some very fair rates, on the subject of websites and photographs my parents recently went to Norway for a cruise, my dad took his new digital camera the results can be found on his website – [ ] the scenery looks loverly, maybe Catherine and I will get to go on a cruse some time in the future.
… and on the subject of holidays we are planning to find a nice cottage in either Cornwall or the Lake District to spend our honeymoon, so if anyone knows of any really good places for the two of us to spend some quality time together please drop us a line on the forums. We are developing the site more and more, you cant see any of it at the moment because it is not finished, but as and when it is ready to be released it will slowly appear on the site, if you would like to see something in particular then please post a comment or sign up to our forums and let us know what you want to see.