I Married You

I Married You
A Blog of Catherine and Richard

Got It!!!

Wednesday, March 31st 2004 @ 2:25 pm by Richard

We got a flat!!!!

It was only the second flat that we looked at, but the landlord and lady seemed lovely, the tennancy agreement is all in order and the price it not too bad (painfull never the less), the flat is 5 minutes walk from Churchill Square, 2 Minutes from Waitrose on the 25 Bus route… all in all a perfect location Smile both Catherine and I think we will be very happy Smile

Can you fall in love with a house?

Thursday, March 25th 2004 @ 11:08 pm by Richard

I certainly have been wondering this myself since I went to look at a house with Catherine today… it is 2 minutes for Churchill Square, 30 seconds from the bus stop and its a listed property… and most importantly the price is gooooooood.

We are going to sleep on it a bit before we make any decisions, but I would not be at all surpriesed if it was the house we spent the first two years of our marrage in Smile

Housy House

Wednesday, March 17th 2004 @ 5:50 pm by Richard

The official Catherine and Richard house hunt has started, Catherine spent some of last week looking for houses on the internet and she has found one that looks promising. I have phoned up the landlady who has agreed to meet me there to show me the house on Friday morning, I am quite aprehensive about it because I don’t like looking round houses on my own. I always miss the obvious things that are going to be a problem.

Other than house news, I am doing much better in terms of health… I am feeling a lot better, still very tired but that is probably because I am not sleeping properly because of the stress of project, dissertation, coursework and lectures. I will try and get a good sleep tonight. Catherine is a little bored because her Father tried to sort out the internet for her on her computer and now it dosn’t work at all, very annoying as it means we don’t get to talk on teamspeak Sad

Feeling Better

Monday, March 15th 2004 @ 12:20 pm by Richard

We are both feeling much better now, our cold went from bad to worse and we both ended up with a mild chest infection. Fortunatly now we are both much better.

We went to visit my parents on the weekend, it was great to see them as I have not been home since announcing our engagement, it was a shame that we couldn’t spend more time with them. My mum goes off to Spring Harvest in three weeks time, which is where Catherine and I first really started to get to know eachother really well, we both want to be there but unfortunatly financial and time limitations stop us.

We also popped into Elim, my home church, for Sunday morning, the worship was great things really seem to be picking up for the worship team, we got prayed for by all of the elders after we had gone up the front and announced our engagement officialy, most people knew but some didn’t. I finaly got the chance to ask Pete Arthur to be my best man and his words were “I have no hesitation in saying yes” which was a relief!

I have a mountain of work to be getting on with so I better get back to it… I must admit that EVE:Online is motivating me to do some more work as it is something to look forward to, although I must be carefult not to play too much, how ever tempting that may be.

Veils / Rings / Wedding Fairs / Waistcoats

Monday, March 1st 2004 @ 11:17 am by Richard

Hello all, sorry the site has been down for a couple of days, I was tracking down a weird bug and managed to totaly break the site… should all be fixed now, bug and all.

Over the weekend we have been to two wedding fairs, first of all was the National Wedding Fair at London Olimpia, it was huge! We spent a good 2 – 3 hours there, got some fliers and information about mens formal hire and rings. We spotted a couple of veils but nothing quite right.

The second wedding show was at the Brighton Center, in Brighton (Surprisingly), it was a fair bit smaller (and cheeper) than the National Wedding Show but we grabbed a couple of useful bits and pieces.

We have been looking at rings a lot, we want a ring with some kind of two or three banded ring with at least one twist (probably two twists, mobius bands are cool but a little harsh on the fingers). As for the choice of metals we both like White Gold, Welsh Gold and Platinum… anyway here are a couple of pictures we found on http://www.weddingrings-direct.com/

The first picture is welsh gold and normal gold, the second is platinum and welsh gold.

There are a number of other styles that we both like:

Platinum Inlays

Gold Inlays

Anodized Inlays

As my good friend Ross pointed out this one is quite nice too…

Finished my Dissertatation

Thursday, February 26th 2004 @ 6:07 pm by Richard

I finaly finished my dissertation on the future of massivly multiplayer online games, for those interested it is available on my website. Catherine and I are looking forward to spending the comming weekend together, we plan to go swimming on monday.

God Bless all, have a good weekend.

Strange happenings on Richards Blog

Wednesday, February 25th 2004 @ 4:00 am by Richard

Some of our readers may not realise that I have my own blog, that is very heavly oriented to random stuff that I find on the internet and general stuff about university work and so on over at – [ http://www.richard-slater.co.uk/ ], recently some strange happenings have been going on mainly to do with a certain blog entry about a game involving a whale, a yeti and 10 penguines, and according to the minds and fingers of a certain parent is animal cruelty. Just thought I would pop in and say this.

In wedding news, we have arranged a photographer his name is Brian and he is my parents next door neighbour, he has his own website – [ http://www.imagesofjazz.co.uk/ ] – he is quite good and he is doing some very fair rates, on the subject of websites and photographs my parents recently went to Norway for a cruise, my dad took his new digital camera the results can be found on his website – [ http://www.daveslater.co.uk/ ] the scenery looks loverly, maybe Catherine and I will get to go on a cruse some time in the future.

… and on the subject of holidays we are planning to find a nice cottage in either Cornwall or the Lake District to spend our honeymoon, so if anyone knows of any really good places for the two of us to spend some quality time together please drop us a line on the forums. We are developing the site more and more, you cant see any of it at the moment because it is not finished, but as and when it is ready to be released it will slowly appear on the site, if you would like to see something in particular then please post a comment or sign up to our forums and let us know what you want to see.

Valentines Day

Monday, February 16th 2004 @ 6:22 pm by Richard

Well, I am still in London at the moment at Catherine’s house, Saturday was Valentines Day here is the story:

8:10 AM: Catherine wakes me up and asks me to come into her room as she has a surprise for me… waiting in her room by the futon was a plate of crossaunts and some strawberry jam… Catherine had got up early to get me breakfast to help me wake up in the morning!

10:00 AM: We finaly leave the house, much to the joy of Catherine’s parents!

11:00 AM: We get into London Bridge planning to spend the day wandering round London. Our first point of call was to head for the Christian Bookshop near Holborn, we picked up a couple of bits and pieces for different people before heading off towards the Natural History Museum to eat our packed lunch.

1:00 PM: We got to the Natural History Museum and managed to totaly get lost inside, first we entered from the wrong side of the exibition to be able to get into the picnic area, then we managed to totaly loose our barings in a maze of gallerys. Finaly finding the Picnic area we ate our lunch at a leasurly pace… nearly falling asleep afterwards because we were already tired. We went to look at the spiky Dinosaurs, Catherine nearly colapsed because it was so stuffy in the exibit, it was affecting me as I was getting a headache too.

3:00 PM: We decided to go to McDonalds as we were still hungry after all our rushing about and some rather dissapointing cheese and onion rolls from ASDA (I didn’t like ASDA before, I like them even less now!)

4:00 PM: We wanted to pop into a couple of shops on Oxford St. before heading back so we wandered along there for a bit, before hopping on the tube, towards the DLR station so we would get a interesting ride back to Lewisham before the train jorney home.

8:00 PM: Got home, after a long, tiring but very enjoyable day Smile

Its my turn next Valentines day.

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